11.11.20 01:12 AM By Izaac

November 26, 2019

When it comes to improving company morale and productivity, workplace strategy has become a hot topic. Workplace strategy is based around the idea that your office’s design, location, furniture, views, and layout can improve your business. It is the understanding that a workplace is more than where people work. It is a strategic decision with long-term implications that can help drive culture, support recruiting and retention goals, promote well-being, and influence behavior.


One of the best ways to incorporate workplace strategy into your business model is by thinking about it early- long before you sign a commercial lease. This article will inform you on some of the ways an effective workplace strategy can improve your company, and some of the things to think about when incorporating these strategies into your office space. 

What is workplace strategy?

Workplace strategy refers to the set of practices and techniques that use the physical design of an office to improve the workplace experience for employees. By carefully considering aspects of an office, such as the layout, equipment, or design, companies can see tangible improvements in their employees on an individual level, and in their business as a whole.

Why You Should Care About Workplace Strategy

In any enterprise, administrators are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs, increase their bottom line, improve employee recruitment and retention, and promote their company culture. So the question is - what is a way of doing that which will produce immediate, yet long term, results? Answer - Workplace strategy.


Studies show that today’s workforce places a huge emphasis on their satisfaction with their workplace. People are spending more and more time at their jobs, and want to feel comfortable in the space in which they work. This matters to businesses because when employees are happy with their workplace, they are not only more likely to stay with the company longer, but they also tend to be more productive (and thus more profitable!). 

Employee Productivity is Affected by The Workplace

One of the most obvious benefits of implementing workplace strategy is that employees tend to be more productive. Workplace strategies aim to create an environment for employees that foster innovation, collaboration, and creativity.


For example, one facet of your workplace strategy may be to implement conference rooms for employees. This will allow your employees to share ideas with one another, offer criticism, and come up with more creative solutions, allowing for a more collaborative, and thus productive, workforce.


Another workplace strategy that may improve employee productivity is the introduction of ergonomic seating. Ergonomic seating allows employees to be more comfortable, and thus more focused on their work, rather than their discomfort. In addition, it improves an employee's posture. According to the American Posture Institute, good posture can have an overwhelmingly positive effect on a person’s productivity

Your Office Can Attract Potential Hires

When a potential hire attends an interview at your office, they are getting a firsthand look at what their physical workplace could be. Because of this, your office should not only reflect your company’s values, but also should come across as a desirable workplace.


A way of coupling your workplace and recruitment strategies is by using your physical space to relay the message of what your company stands for. Use furniture, design, and even a color scheme to tell a story about your business to outsiders. By doing this, potential hires will have an instant idea of whether your office is somewhere they can see themselves fitting in. 

Implementing a Workplace Strategy Can Reduce Your Company’s Costs and Expenses

Productive employees, and increased employee recruitment and retention are not only good for the success of an enterprise, but also works to reduce costs and expenses. When employees are more productive, more tasks are completed, less time on the clock is wasted, and thus companies save money.


One of the major assets for a company is its personnel. Losing employees is a cost for businesses, as it is expensive to both recruit and train new talent. Retaining valuable employees not only makes your HR team’s lives easier, but also reduces the costs that would be put in to recruitment.


There are also more tangible workplace strategies that help your business mitigate expenses. For example, by opting for an open floor plan layout, companies can save money on clunky desks and cubicles, and have less square footage per employee.


Overall, the ability of your workplace strategy to reduce company costs and expenses is dependent on how well thought out it is. By coming up with an efficient set of workplace strategies and carrying them out when you first move into your space, you’ll reduce the need for changes after the fact. Conversely, deciding to implement effective workplace strategies in your office later down the road will require a lot more work, and thus increase cost. 

It Helps to Promote Your Company’s Culture

Lastly, a comprehensive workplace strategy helps to promote your company’s culture to both employees and your target demographic. For an enterprise to be successful, its values and mission need to be clear. By customizing your office to align with your culture through workplace strategies, employees have a better sense of who they work for, and are able to promote your company in a positive light. 


Workplace strategy has the power to completely transform an enterprise. Employees and companies directly benefit when office space is thought about strategically. For help with workplace strategies or finding smart office space, reach out to a broker at DHC.